The 2018 Distracted Driving Report from Motus should be of interest to Illinois residents who are either part of a grey fleet or the operators of one. The mobile workforce is increasingly connected: in 2013, 55 percent of mobile workers owned a smartphone, but in 2017, that percentage rose to 77. At the same time, […]
Motor Vehicle Accidents Archives - Page 8 of 9 - Ryan, Ryan & Viglione
Chicagoland Personal Injury Law Blog
Car crash rates rise among always-connected mobile workforce
Posted on May 18th, 2019 by Webmaster
Teenage drivers and crash fatality rates
Posted on May 18th, 2019 by Webmaster
As National Teen Driver Safety Week approaches, parents may be more mindful of the dangers their teenagers face when they are on the road. According to new research released by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, when teenage drivers in Illinois and the rest of the country have only other teenagers as passengers in their […]
Safety tips for driving in bright sunlight
Posted on May 18th, 2019 by Webmaster
The rising and setting sun can cause visual illusions and hurt drivers’ eyes. In fact, the risk for a life-threatening car crash goes up by 16 percent in bright sunlight. Drivers in Illinois will want to consider the following tips for driving safely amid the sun’s bright rays. The first tip is to avoid driving […]
Safety measures for traveling the roadways during winter weather
Posted on May 18th, 2019 by Webmaster
Winter driving conditions can suddenly become hazardous as families travel this time of year to spend holidays with relatives. Drivers in Illinois who are prepared for inclement weather will likely manage better than those who are not prepared for it. These days, technology can help drivers be safer on the nation’s roadways because many newer […]
WHO analyzes road safety laws globally in 2018 status report
Posted on May 18th, 2019 by Webmaster
Illinois residents may want to know the results of the 2018 Global Status Report on Road Safety, which was released in December by the World Health Organization. It focused on the road safety laws of 175 countries and how they fare in preventing traffic crashes. According to WHO, traffic crashes are now the No. 8 […]