How are damages typically calculated in a medical malpractice case? Medical malpractice claims often appear to be among the most lucrative of personal injury cases. However, these high-dollar verdicts are quite often deceiving, as juries are routinely tasked with compensating the victim for his or her entire life, including the costs of lifelong medical care, […]
Our Blog - Ryan, Ryan & Viglione | Chicagoland Personal Injury Law Blog - Part 24
Chicagoland Personal Injury Law Blog
Chicago Woman Awarded $14 Million Following Botched Surgery Resulting in Brain Damage
Posted on May 17th, 2019 by Webmaster
Medical Malpractice
Posted on May 17th, 2019 by Webmaster
CAN I SUE A PHYSICIAN FOR MEDICAL MALPRACTICE IF MY LOVED ONE DIES AS A RESULT OF THE DOCTOR’S NEGLIGENCE? Yes. Under the Illinois Wrongful Death Act, the beneficiaries of a deceased person’s estate can maintain a cause of action for their loved one’s death. Beneficiaries can recover for loss of financial support, grief, loss […]
Anesthesia Malpractice Attorneys
Posted on May 17th, 2019 by Webmaster
Have you or a loved one suffered a catastrophic injury due to the adverse effects of anesthetics during a surgery? If so, contact us today to discuss your rights. Anesthesia errors occur when patients are sedated, vulnerable, and unable to protect themselves. The consequences of these medical mistakes can include becoming brain damaged, permanently living […]
Lake County Medical Malpractice
Posted on May 17th, 2019 by Webmaster
A loved one recently experienced an extremely bad outcome at a Lake County hospital. Can we contact you to discuss our rights free of charge? Yes. Our experienced staff of Lake County medical malpractice lawyers are ready to discuss your potential medical negligence case immediately. One of our firm’s partners, Kathleen Ryan, is a former […]
I was injured in an auto accident and keep getting notices that I am in default on my medical bill payments
Posted on May 17th, 2019 by Webmaster
IS THERE ANYTHING I CAN DO TO AVOID BEING PUT INTO COLLECTIONS? Incurring massive medical bills is an extremely common circumstance for automobile injury victims. Just as common is when an injured person cannot afford to pay these bills and is immediately threatened with being put into collections by a hospital or bill collector. These […]